Tuesday, April 17, 2012

started the day with the normal tuesday morning class. assisted eduardo as he went over some very solid escapes from the having your back taken. then went on to my private lesson where i went over the full guard to take the back/ flip you over sweep/ the sneaky you recovered, no you got swept into mount series. then we talked about how to connect to the underhook series that i like to hit out of the full guard.

later i went back for the advanced class. hit the mats for 7x7 minute rounds of sparring. played more with the reverse de la riva hook to my under hook sweep to inverted triangle set up. tomorrow it's going to be more attacks from the back and how to defend those attacks.

my other goals are to work on some content for the website, to start filling it out and getting it ready for the anouncement of where the academy will be located. it's not much now but check out http://machineworksbjj.com/,

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