Saturday, December 31, 2011

waited til the last moment, but here goes my wild ride, known as 2011. it was all over the place and awesome even when it felt like i was getting my ass kicked.

i started the year off by breaking my foot twice(started sparring on it too soon, and the spot where it broke the first time, but was fairly flat. it developed a large lump on the second break.).

bought a house on a hill with a crazy great view with my wife.

developed better ways to convey the methods in which i teach brazilian jiu jitsu to classes.

competed and won in the light heavy brown belt division at the american cup in the adult division. normally i do the old guy's divisions.

got armbarred at the las vegas open, paying the price for doing a tournament when i felt flat. turned it around in the absolute, albeit with a poor performance, and took gold in the absolute.

turned my garage into academy level matted space for one on one lessons at home.

competed in my 8th us open in a row, bringing home my 6th gold medal, and a silver from the absolute.

had a furnace installed in our house.

adopted another pitbull puppy, and named him very aptly.

made some crazy great strides in making my marriage more solid.

started hitting some great strides in teaching the one on one sessions, and came up with some cool marketing ideas.

earned a black belt from eduardo rocha a fourth degree black belt under royler gracie.

developed and the had a hernia repaired.

these are the things i can think of as the year comes to an end. i may have forgotten some thing, but my focus on the next steps in my life becomes much clearer.

that was this year, and the next year promises to kick as much ass.

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