Thursday, July 15, 2010

training has come to a stand still due to injury and work. i'll jump back into it on saturday with some stair sprints. i tried to tough it out and failed badly. monday i had a good session at the evening class. 45 minutes of sweep pass or submit king of the hill from the butterfly guard. i had to bow out twice due to the pectoral minor bothering me but other than that i did well.

taught the tuesday morning class, sparred with jesse for about 15 minutes. then helped eduardo with his first private. drilled with jeff off and on through out the session, all told for about 20-25 minutes. then hit the mats with russel. we went at it for a good solid 50 minutes. during each session my chest got progressively more tender and at points shot electric jolts up to my head.

the southbay open is all but a fond memory of something i really would have liked to take a shot at. between work and this injury i feel very unprepared. i have to work today and tomorrow and then will begin hitting workouts that work around my injury. i'll go back to teaching next week to keep my jiu jitsu sharp.

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