Thursday, July 22, 2010

have slowly started to ramp up the training during this period of injury. the southbay open will come and go without me. at this point i'll be lucky if i can pull off the las vegas international. this last week was spent either teaching or doing some kind of moderate workout to keep the system going.

i taught the monday eveing beginner class and then ran the stairs 6times. tuesday had me teach the morning class, then shoot over to the pool, where i knocked out 400 meters in about 13 minutes. i'm not a very good swimmer so that's a good workout for me. wednesday was teaching the evening class again, followed by running the stairs, 5 times this time. today was back to the morning class and the pool. 400 meters again this time in about 15 minutes.

my more immediate goal with the swimming is to knock out 500 meters in ten minutes. with better form than i have now. the long term goal is to get 1000 meters per workout. the stairs as always is to hit 6 rounds every time. the long term goal is upping the number to 8.

the classes were really good this week. i only went over two sections. the first section involved taking the back, with how to take the back from the full guard, plus some of my favorite chokes. the second section was two kore chokes and how to escape the back and defend the choke. today i threw an extra move in with how to escape my favorite way to take the back.

tomorrow i think i'll start riding my bike again, i'll be teaching the morning class and the evening beginner class. then more fun with stairs.

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