Wednesday, August 11, 2010

pectoral minor is still giving me trouble. a visit to dr. pape yesterday helped and was painful at the same time. i have a massage appointment tomorrow. hopefully combined these will accelerate the healing process. i would like to be able to start sparring next week. i've been sparring with the beginners with my left arm tucked into my belt. next week i'd like to be able to use both arms.

this morning i hit the black belt club warm up to get the day started. we did the kettlebell challenge. it's two people, two kb's. you go back and forth with your partner doing 10 reps each for 25 minutes. i'm going to try mixing the c & p's with the airdyne.

right now i'm trying to motivate myself to go into berkeley and knock out 400-500 meters at the pool.

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