Tuesday, August 31, 2010

yesterday was long. i went to work. then right after work i hit the airdyne/kettlebell work out. did 30 calories on the airdyne, then 8 clean and presses with the 53 lb kb's. did 5 quick sets of that.

followed that by heading over to the advanced class at the academy. missed the technique portion. did the sweep pass or submit from the bottom open guard. there was 6 of us in the circle and about 10 guys in line, maybe more. the goal for the guys in line is to beat the guys in the middle and knock them into the line. i stayed in the middle for 45 minutes straight last night. by the time i got knocked out, i was exhausted. there was some good guys there in line last night so i felt very good about my streak.

today started with me teaching the morning class. i showed how to take the back, then three ways to defend the turtle guard. we followed that up with 30 minutes of drilling and sparring.

i couldn't make it to bjj practice tonight so i hit the kettlebells and pull up bar to make up for it. put my 20 pound weight vest on. hit 5 kb squat thrusters with the 44 lb kb's and 5 pull ups. did 9 sets of that. the weight vest made it heavier and harder to breathe.

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