Tuesday, August 17, 2010

yesterday was a good steady amount of work. taught the morning class and we did the medicine ball workout. side throws for 45 seconds, then kettlebell swings for 45 for 2 rounds. then overhead throws for 45 seconds followed by planks with leg lifts for 45, another 2 rounds of that. repeat twice. still not healed enough to spar with the big guys, but close.

came back later in the evening and taught the beginner class. we did a circuit with 20 on/20 off scheme. then i showed escapes from side mount. followed by a near side arm bar and the paper cutter. ended the class by rolling with some of the guys while the rest drilled the positions. used both arms this time. rib and pectoral minor felt a bit sore and achy but held up. will see how it feels this morning at the morning class.

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