Wednesday, August 18, 2010

yesterday started great and then fizzled badly. i sparred with the morning crew for about 35 minutes. that was after showing some side mount escapes. then with the grand plans of swimming at least 500 meters i set out to run errands. by the time i had a chance to break away to the pool, i felt like crap. i just felt beat down, so nothing worthwhile except hanging out with gaytha came of the evening.

this morning was a great circuit. 20 kettlebell swing 2 get ups on each side, 10 hindu push ups, 20 mountain climbers, and 6 pull ups. repeated that 8 times with very little rest in between. worked some technique and then played sweep pass or submit for about 20 minutes. need to start pushing the pace and the length of my sparring sessions if i want to make a dent in the brown belt competitions coming up.

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