Wednesday, June 16, 2010

couldn't do it

started of yesterday with some light circuit work at the start of the morning class. nine stations, 20 seconds on/ 20 seconds off, 20 rounds. just enough to get the blood flowing and the breathing up. then it was onto some more spider guard work. the day took a turn when david meyers showed up. he's a machado black belt, and one of the first black belts i ever trained with. he had a couple of good tips for the students about aspects of the spider guard sweeps i was showing.

once i had the class begin on the movement drills, me and david started sparring. he took apart my bottom game at first. then as i warmed up more i was able to get into it more. he still ran rough shod over me though. then eduardo and russell showed up. all in all i sparred with david for about 30 minutes, then eduardo for about 25, and wrapped up the session with about 20 minutes with russell. i was happy to be included in the session, seeing as it was three black belts and me.

i had planned on hitting the evening advanced class with vernie, but when 7:30 rolled around i was not up for it. now i'm eating breakfast and thinking about what my workout will be for the day. i'm thinking the 666 workout is the way to go. it's a good push/pull type workout.

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