Thursday, June 17, 2010

last night flowed right into this morning. i taught the beginner class. we went over closed guard attacks and then some standing guard openers and passes. then i made them do standing pass drills. once the class was over i want back to being the student and eduardo went over some half guard sweeps to the far side. we followed that with a sparring session where we had to spar with everyone in the room. that equaled out to seven 7 minute rounds. so much for my doing maybe five and calling it a night. did really well even though the workout was still lingering.

mark showed up at this point and everyone went with him for three minutes. i ended doing one of the last rolls, then eduardo changed it and had phillipe roll another 6 minutes with mark, then i took the last 6 minutes.

the morning class was working on half guard protection and recovery. then russel showed up and i rolled with him for about 40 minutes. at one point i tried to bow out so he could get some one on one time with eduardo. he replied that he was actually there to roll with me. which i see as a huge compliment. the way he rolls, because he's blind, is very interesting and different/difficult from my other sparring partners.

tomorrow will begin with court and then it will be time to take ont he battle ropes. for now it's time to challenge my pillow to a duel to the death.

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